Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Nik Aliye – Digital Influencer Marketing Exec – Episode 204



Today on Extraordinary Women Radio, I am thrilled to introduce you to Nik Aliye, a digital influencer marketing executive, who has worked with some of the largest big brand names. Nik also produced the Shorty Awards, which honors the best content creators and producers on social media: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Tumblr, Instagram and more. In this Episode: Nik shares her exciting and challenging career working at the Shorty Awards – A platform that honors the best of social media. She shares the highlights and her favorite bits of social media back then and how people’s view of influencers drastically shifted into a more positive light. The real essence of influencer marketing and how this multi-million industry has shaped human interaction and connection. Nik discusses the most memorable campaign she worked on that elaborates on the authenticity, rawness, and intimacy that brings influencer marketing to massive success. Nuggets of wisdom that entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and those who market their brands m