Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

96: SELF-HELP & Leaning on Your Own Understanding. Why it Leads to Discouragement & Feelings of Failure!



There is a reason why the self-help industry has made fortunes with its self-help products. The reason is simple. People start out with a sincere desire and readiness to make a change for the better but then really quickly that desire fades away. The belief that you can do things on your own is a false belief that we’re all challenged with yet only very few of us can pull off with lasting results that ultimately give Jesus the glory. Today we talk honestly about the question: Is it time to get help from outside of yourself? When you stop to think about the many ways we haven’t met with progress we need to consider if the reason we haven’t is because we are relying on self-help is the reason you are feeling hopeless & discouraged? Over and over again, when I try to do things on my own I’m typically led to feelings of shame, failure, discouragement, hopelessness, and even confusion. Does that ring a bell for you? Does self-help really work or is it causing you to feel like a failure even though you have the