Beyond Birth

Ep. 102 Life Typos with Liz & Sharon



What does taking care of yourself look like? The answer: it depends. For one person, this can mean caring for the health of their body,  while for someone else, it may be taking care of their mental and emotional well-being. Or maybe it’s a combination of the two. No matter what self-care looks like - it’s something we all need. Today’s episode focuses on some of the ways in which Liz & Sharon have been taking care of themselves recently in health, business and in life. They discuss: What self-care looks like for each of them right now, in their current stages of life. Why having a business coach (or someone with an outside perspective) can be key to being an entrepreneur. The emotional and mental shifts that can be a part of our relationship with food and the health of our bodies as it relates to that relationship. Learning how to listen to our body and honor what it’s saying - for both the health of our body and our mental well-being. The interesting insights learned from a recent tarot ca