Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

Starting Your Own Podcast Part 3 - Learning Consistency, Impact, and Building Relationships - #119



What do you do as a podcaster when you hit the wall? Or when you aren't feeling inspired? Well, it helps to have a bigger picture for your podcast. In this episode I share some things I am learning, things I am trying, and things I want to try in the future!  This is third and final episode of the little "How to Start a Podcast" mini series that I've done on the show and I hope you enjoy. :)In This Episode:1.      Starting with and learning from consistency2.     Making an impact and what to do from there Note: The math I did (when calculating the 1000 true fans thing) was actually very off. It was actually $120,000 a year (if you had 1000 people paying you $10 a month). It’s all about building audience trust.Email Campaigns – I want to do this at some point and go ALL IN on it. Starting a podcast is NOT about you.3.      Relationships that a podcast open up for youBONUS - A little about monetization - I have not made a cent from my podcast yet so I am not the most qualified to talk about