Jhu Press Journals Podcasts

Social Research : In the time of Plague



The Summer 2020 of the journal Social Research is a special issue, "In the Time of Plague : The History and Social Consequences of Lethal Epidemic Disease - Covid-19 Edition". This special issue is a revisiting of the journal's Fall 1988 issue of the same name, which was a response to the AIDS epidemic. The Covid-19 edition made up of two "books". Book 1 includes response to the Covid-19 pandemic, and Book 2 is a re-print of the original 1988 issue. Join JHU Press in a conversation about this important and timely work with the journal's editor, Dr. Arien Mack. For more info on the webinars referenced in this episode, visit https://www.centerforpublicscholarship.org/single-post/In-Time-of-Plague-2020-COVID-19-webinars This podcast is a production of the Johns Hopkins University Press, produced by Mary Alice Yeskey and edited by Noelle Curtis. Theme music written and recorded by Emmett Sauchuck. 