America Won't Shut Up

About the 1992 Ross Perot Presidential Campaign! with Langan Kingsley & James Dwyer



From New York, all the way to California, this week, people will not stop gabbing about this hot, hot new, old campaign. To get to the bottom of this trend, we'll sit down with the organizer of Perotchella: A 3-Day 1992 Presidential Experience and Concert, Hilary Library. After that we'll talk to Ross Unclebutter, a Ross Perot superfan who has gotten surgery to look like Ross Perot circa-1992. And as always, we'll scan the week's twitter trends, dig into our nation's headlines, and we'll once again be visited by our good friend, and Gadget Guru for Parade Magazine, Dermitt Countertop. All that, and more, plus music from the Foo Fighters. This week on America Won't Shut Up! This week's episode stars Langan Kingsley ( and James Dwyer ( Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for their upcoming web series, Space Drifters, coming soon to an internet near you.