America Won't Shut Up

About Being Grateful for What You Have! with Diana Kolsky & Murf Meyer



From coast to coast, everyone is thanking their lucky stars this week, for the things they have in their life. On the show, we talk to the most grateful woman in the world, Hallelujah Finger, whose new book, "My Husband Exploded and I'm Thankful for It," is sure to be something you'll be thankful for very soon. After that, we'll talk to the founder of the Church of Thanksgiving, Reverend Vance LeBeaux. Who, despite his controversial teachings, we're grateful to have on the show. Of course, we're also happy to be paid a visit from our good friend and tech columnist for Parade Magazine, Gadget Guru, Dermitt Countertop. All that and more, plus music from the Foo Fighters. This week, on America Won't Shut Up! This week's episode stars Diana Kolsky ( and Murf Meyer ( Be sure to check out their great new podcast, Menage a Trois at