America Won't Shut Up

About Tits! with Eliot Glazer & Halle Kiefer



This week, America won't shut up about tits! That's right, America is just buzzing about this hot, new trend that we know as, well, tits. From shopping malls, to office complexes, people can't get enough tits. Tits are a thing and people are talking about them, that's for sure. To get to the bottom of this trend, we talk to a specialist in the field of Tits, Tittery and Tittography, Dr. Roberto Squeef. Dr. Squeef knows tits inside and out and is here to talk clinically about why he's pursued a career in tits. Later in the show, we talk to a Tit Doctor at Josh Hopkins University, Dr. Brooke Demento. Many say that Dr. Demento's recent work is the genesis for the recent increased interest in tits. So, thank you Tit Doctor Demento. Also on this week's show, Jason is lost as he has to throw a tit-themed party for his sister-in-law, Pat remembers there being at least some tits back when he was in high school, and we're paid yet another wonderful visit from our good friend, Hank Schlitz, aka The Befuddler. All tha