Leading In Color With Sarah Morgan

A Tangled Web in Higher Ed (Leading In Color - Season 3, Episode 33)



In this episode, Sarah interviews UR Black Student Coalition leaders Shira Greer and Katiana Issac.  Formed in March 2021 in order to advocate for the wellbeing of Black students at UR, the Coalition is an informal collective comprised of Black students who are in support of the demands listed in the Protect Our Web statement and its addendum. The BSC arose in response to President Crutcher’s February 25, 2021 statement on behalf of the university and the Board of Trustees stating that they intended to keep the name of Ryland Hall (named after enslaver Robert Ryland), and rename Freeman Hall to Mitchell-Freeman Hall (named after Mitchell, a former enslaved person who fought segregation, and Douglas Southall Freeman, a segregationist and eugenicist). While these building names were the catalyst for the BSC’s formation, ultimately the group seeks material changes to better the experiences of Black students on campus. ​ Students are advocating for the following demands, and are committed to seeing them met:  Re