Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

Overcoming Perfectionism For Good! (3 Tips) - #88



I believe that 2021 is truly my year to take my side hustles and other endeavors to the next level. One of the biggest traps I have fallen into recently that has kept me from doing as much is perfectionism.Here are my three quick tips to nip this struggle in the bud for good.  1. Remember Your Why Chances are that the why for what you are doing is to sit on your dreams and not do much about them. For one thing that is not an inspiring why and it does not really help you get up in the morning. On the other hand having a good why will help you when the perfectionism monster knocks on your door to waste your time.2. Remember Your JourneyRemember that to get the results you want it is going to take some time to the process and journey overall. I have been doing podcasting for nearly 2 years across 88 episodes and yet I still have not tapped into some of the most meaningful parts of my journey yet. Yep so I need to keep going. Time is going to keep moving along, and I need to move with it.3. Remember That You Get