
297: Feeling guilty because you skipped your workout?



This episode is inspired by a real life conversation with a great friend of ours. She told us that she hadn’t done Pilates in five days straight and felt guilty and really bad about it. And yep, we sure have felt this in the past too!Also, if you missed the last episode, number 296, we published one of our favourite guided meditations from MerryBody Online Studio. Embody Meditation is a technique that guides you to really focus on every single part of the body. Check it out after you listen to this episode!Stuff we talked about…Maybe you had a great meditation routine and you were eating healthy, exercising every day and now… you are not. You were doing something “good” but then life happens. Your focus went elsewhere. This is life, right? The ebbs and flows of everything.Sometimes, you need to change your routine and it’s okay! The most important thing is to tune in to what you really need right now. How do we stop from punishing ourselves for missing that session, or having a week off? Accept