Fry And Cry

#5 - The Florida Project



Throw on your swim suit and dive in the pool (it'll hide your tears) because we're watching THE FLORIDA PROJECT! This is a very special episode Frybabies, because not only are our heroes Evan & Erica up against the SADDEST MOVIE THEY'VE WATCHED SO FAR (no jk!) but they also must face unforgiving, harsh, and quite literally lethal conditions. That's right! This episode is coming to you live from Florida! OH THE HUMIDITY! Does this movie feature Walt Disney World? Yes. Does this movies really make you cry? Yes EVEN HARDER! The mosquitos are BUZZING and so is the discussion! Evan, a Floridian himself, shares stories of how cows just roam that land, while Erica recounts tales of the casual arson she's committed, also she brought her CAT, Bernard. He is just the CUTEST but don't get too close, he's a wily one! Pour yourself a Mai Tai! In fact, pour SEVEN! You'll need them, Florida doesn't take prisoners.