Power Your Purpose With Megan Accardo

86. Pushing Through Fear & Redefining Failure



Have you been letting fear take a hold of your life and preventing you from getting into action around your next big idea? Are you paralyzed from moving forward because you find yourself terrified of “failing?” If so, you’re in the right place. This is a jam-packed practical episode to push through fear and redefine failure so you can get moving forward in your business and life. Here’s the truth: You will never feel fully ready. You will never wake up and feel 100% fearless. Sometimes you have to push through & go for things. Failure is not meant to shut us down. It’s used to spur growth and character.  Failure is not what we think in the traditional sense of the word. We need to redefine the word... and I think you'll relate and really like the new definition I give you. I'll also walk you through a few simple exercises to help you get out of your own way! Hit PLAY on this episode and find out how you can get moving, starting today! If you want to join my brand new 8-week program to Get More Clients int