Eat Green Make Green Podcast

Episode 4: Chris Reale & Restructuring Life



"I can't imagine doing it (transforming my life) without a really disciplined approach to health and wellness..."What most friends and colleagues probably don't know about Chris Reale, is that 4 years ago, while working as a lawyer and on the path of a typical suburban father with a wife and kids and a white picket fence house, he was thrown a curve ball. A rare cancer diagnosis. Doctors told him it could be 1 of 10 forms of that rare cancer, and 9 of those 10 would likely prevent him from seeing his second child born. By the grace of someone above, it turned out to be the 1 that would give Chris a second chance at life. While recovering after his operation to remove the tumor, Chris told his wife he was going to run the Boston Marathon 8 months later. He did. His experience has completely changed his outlook on life and has taught him to focus on the things that matter most to him: his family, his health, and doing the things he loves.