Home Work

#284: Powering Down



Dave and Harry talk about the various ways we can power down after a long day at work and how to preserve some semblance of work/life balance in a Work from Home world. Sponsor This episode is sponsored by Baronfig. Use code HOMEWORK21 at checkout and save 20% on all purchases of $50 or more. Dave's Tool of the Week Bower Multipod 6-in-1 Tripod Selfie Stick with Remote Shutter for Smartphones Harry's Tool of the Week iPadOS 15 Links Ugmonk Analog Ugmonk Analog Review by The Study | YouTube August Bradley Drafts to Notion Video | YouTube Things Notion Nested Folders Episode 56: Streamlining, Managing, and Automating Inboxes Cabinet of Curiosities Pixelmator Check Out Our New Website Home Work is officially independent! If you aren't already subscribed to the show, make sure you head on over to thehomeworkpodcast.com to get each new episode every Tuesday. Support Your Local Bookshop You can now help Home Work and your local bookstore by buying books through our new custom Bookshop.