Under The Arch

S1 Ep. 4 Reproductive Rights ft. Pamela Merritt & Sara Baker



ArchCity Defenders and Action St. Louis present the premiere collaborative podcast, "Under The Arch." Your hosts Blake Strode, Executive Director of ArchCity Defenders, and Kayla Reed, Director of Action St. Louis, explore the issues facing our community and the people working to transform them.This week's episode brings together voices from Reproaction and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)of Missouri to talk about reproductive justice and access to the full range of reproductive health, particularly in the state of Missouri. Reproaction is a new direct action group forming to increase access to abortion and advance reproductive justice who is proud of their left-flank analysis, and are not in this fight to protect the past or maintain the status quo. The ACLU of Missouri is a nonprofit organization that defends civil liberties and the principles of equality and justice in Missouri through its litigation, legislative and public education programs.Follow Reproaction and the ACLU of Misso