Coach Hos Podcast

Episode # 33, of the Coach Hos Podcast. Dr. Mike and I talk w/ Jordan Barron, Co-founder of ExerFly



Episode # 33 of the Coach Hos Podcast, tonight we talked w/ Jordan Barron, Co-Founder of ExerFly 1-15 The background of Jordan Barron from his experience with athletics and the creation of Exerfly 15-30: The multiple uses of Exerfly, types of Exerfly equipment and the high level teams that use it from the MLB, Rugby and track and field 30-45: Exerfly offers a few designs that allow for travel use, easy setup and quick workouts. Exerfly can be used for individual and teams. 45-60: How Exerfly can be used for multiple training purposes involving injury reduction, warmup, return to play, and performance. Exerfly also offers an application that provides training programs and tracks results, efforts and progress with movements/training routines. Exerfly is international and available for all populations. Jordan Barron Mike St. George Coach Hos, form