Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

Taking a 2-Week Break - 3 Reasons Why - #122



We have put out nearly two episodes every single week since November 2020! That is over 50 episodes! I never thought we would have been able to do that, and so I am so glad we went for it. :)With that said, I have been feeling recently that I should take a break. I know this may come as a surprise, but I think it really will be for the best. Here are three reasons why: 1. Improve Episode Quality – I want to continuously improve the quality of the episodes, interviews, etc. During this time I plan on organizing my episodes better, creating a template, and figuring out other workflows to save time and also up the quality! 2. Take Care of The Field– There are some behind the scenes things with the podcast that I have been neglecting for some time. During this break I am going to take a good look at what has been accomplished so far, work on some of the SEO and episode show notes (honestly some of them really need some work) and organize the podcast episodes better. I also need to get some new interview guests li