Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

August 2019 YIELD Round-up! - #4



Here's the first episode of a recurring show on the podcast, YIELD Round-ups! The idea of these YIELD Round-ups is four-fold:1. Help me stay accountable to myself on my short-term and long-term goals,2. Spread how the YIELD mindset helped me (and others) this month.3. Tell about my four big takeaways for living a better life from this month.4. Share a quick glimpse of my vision for the next month.In time I hope that I'll be able to have others join with me and talk with them about how they've been able to YIELD so we can get this community growing more and make a real impact.August 2019 truly was a quick one but one where I got a lot done. I was able to get this podcast off the ground, work on my book. and more. Here are my main takeaways from August 2019:1. You only need to take one step and the others will follow, but you need to take that first step first. Think of yourself making a difference for others and then YIELD to the answer.2. God knows what He's doing. If I had not trusted Him