Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

EP 16: July Energy Update: “Allow for a Pause/One Step Back for Two Steps Forward”



#16 | July 07, 2021 July Energy Update: “Allow for a Pause/Take One Step Back for Two Steps Forward” With the Solstice Energy and entering July, there are energies of enthusiasm and inspiration coming in. How exciting! Let's face it, we are all interested in getting things going and moving yet it can look differently for each of us. As we move into the next phase of post pandemic life, make sure to take some time to check in to see where you are in your processing of the past year.  I have been hearing from a lot of my clients who are antsy and ready for things to get going yet at the same time the prospect of having fun can feel a little scary, overwhelming, anxiety-inducing. While others are having repressed thoughts and feelings like anger, grief, stress, sadness surface about the pandemic and the overall past 15 months. Some are feeling like summer is here and woohoo let's get going! While others, have a feeling of cautious sense of normalcy and a slower approach as restrictions are lifting, restaurants o