Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Dr. Anne Arvizu – Mindset for Success, Avoiding Burnout, and Stepping into your Power as a Leader – Episode 207



Today on Extraordinary Women Radio, I am thrilled to introduce you to Dr. Anne Arvizu—a business advisor, entrepreneur, author, media commentator leadership expert, keynote speaker, and former fortune 500 global executive. She is the founder and CEO of two thriving companies, RxER Communications Corp and Corecentryx, Inc., and we're jamming on how to avoid burnout and step into your power! In this Episode: She recalls conquering through and beyond the intense world of pharmaceutical industries (it’s not as fancy as you’d expect!). Remembering how her entrepreneurial dreams had started and how 2020 became an episode of what seemed to be a series of unfortunate events that led to her burnout. Listen to her insightful realizations from the downfall of her first business that she now follows in running her other businesses. Digging deep into one’s core and understanding what each component means not only for oneself but for other life aspects that make a person whole. Challenges that women need to be aware of wh