Kinsman Podcast

Epi. 73 - Prophetic Word for You, Powerful Anointed Wisdom unleashed in Jesus mighty name. May you be highly blessed.



#ProphetTBJoshua, #Powerful, #PropheticWord, #Transformative, #AnointedWisdom, #JesusChristourLORD, #Jesus, #ELOHIM, #Hallelujah You can view this Episode on YOUTUBE at: "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." - 1 Thessalonians 5::11 And "May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had." - Romans 15:5 NB. Credits: I give full credits to and Prophet TB Joshua Ministry, fully acknowledging the Prophet of GOD's Word through this mediums used, Prophet TB Joshua, operating indeed under the Ministry of Jesus Christ the LORD, within the Five Fold Ministry in the Body of Jesus Christ of whom we the Living Church under GOD ELOHIM in CHRIST. _____________________________ Welcome to Kinsman Podcast - New on Youtube and Twitch. I will be publishing every week - SUBSCRIBE and Stay Connected in FAITH. Download Kinsman Podcast through Apple Po