Overdrive: Cars, Transport And Culture

Overdrive: Uber in trouble; The future of how we get around; Lexus NX300 Road Test; NASCAR declines



News including a data breach by Uber, a new biofuel production system, the decline of "Big Oil", Tesla's new competitor, and what the NBN has to do with transport infrastructure. We discuss a report on the future of how we get around "New mobility now, a practical guide". We road test one of Lexus' best selling vehicles, the mid-size Lexus NX300 F-Sport SUV. And some humorous motoring & transport stories including getting angry with an ambulance, the US Navy vandalises the sky, the decline of good old boys racing in the USA and what it means for our V8 racing. Originally broadcast 2nd December 2017. For past programs and extended versions of segments like the road tests, feature interviews and quirky news, visit drivenmedia.com.au