Overdrive: Cars, Transport And Culture

Overdrive: Hammond's Car, Anniversary of the Bicycle; Honda Odyssey road test; Future cars



In this program, we take a look at the latest news stories including: 1. Richard Hammond’s Crash – tell me about the car! 2. Parking Space Goes for $664,000 in Hong Kong 3. Local pollution is a big issue for transport 4. 200th anniversary of the bicycle We chat to resident Overdrive artists Dean Oliver about the sad passing away of Nick Munting and the time we travelled to New Caledonia to watch a car rally. We road test the Honda Odyssey people mover - is it function and fashion in one vehicle? And in our panel discussion we ask just how we might judge a car in the future? Have a question or comment? Send it to overdrive@drivenmedia.com.au You can listen to longer segments of the each of the features (as well as past programs) by going to drivenmedia.com.au or podcast the whole program on iTunes or your favourite podcast service. Originally aired on 17th June 2017.