Life Uncloseted With Rick Clemons

473: Overcoming the Inner Saboteur – Yannick Picard



Whether you're coming out of the closet or leaving a job that is sucking the life out of you, as you make that decision, your ugly little saboteurs are going to show up, you know those inner critics, to throw you off track. They don't want you to do what you want to do most. Instead they want to throw you curve balls to play it safe. That all ends today. Or at least let's try to make it the beginning of the end with your inner saboteur. Fellow coach Yannick Picard and I take on our inner saboteurs and guide to the work of Shirzad Chamine’s, New York Times bestseller and Stanford lectures about the 9 Ways We Self Sabotage. If you're ready to move forward out of your stuckness, this is the podcast to kick start your journey and to kick your saboteur in the ass. About YannickYannick Picard was only 16 years old when he was bitten by the coaching “bug”. He was watching a late-night infomercial and actually purchased the Tony Robbin’s Personal Power audio cassette program. He was blown away with what he learned fr