Jack Walton - A Slice Of Life

A Slice of Life Season 4 Episode 3 - Overcoming the Impossible with Jack Malone



For the 3rd episode of the season Jack is joined by close friend Jack Malone, a St Andrews university graduate, TEDx speaker and mental health campaigner. The pair connected via Instagram earlier this year, and have formed a close bond since. During the episode Jack speaks about his journey, and how his life now is totally unrecognisable to what it was as a child. He went from having a comfortable upbringing with a close family bond, to the relationship with his Dad breaking down, his sister fighting a battle with anorexia, and his Mom having to quit work to become a full time carer. Jack's sheer determination and strength is astounding on many levels, there will be moments that you laugh, cry and realise that no matter what your family situation is, it doesn't have to define your future. Jack ran for 12 hours in March 2021 from 6pm to 6am, raising funds and awareness for Rape Crisis Scotland Helpline, and delves into this, and so much more, during the episode.  Follow Jack via Instagram @jackwill22 Follow Ja