The Livin' La Vida Low-carb Show With Jimmy Moore

1701: Freak Show Babe Kiki Mott-Smith Stands Up For The Forgotten In Diet Community



On today’s episode of The LLVLC Show, “Freak Show Babe” Kiki Mott-Smith drops by to talk all about the forgotten in the diet community. “If so many people are getting such great results with keto, why do people fight against it?”  - “Freak Show Babe” Kiki Mott-Smith In this interview, Jimmy chats with keto weight loss coach Kiki Mott-Smith (aka Freak Show Babe) and this conversation was a pure delight. Kiki shares Jimmy’s frustration with the diet industry and how there are so many forgotten people and the uniqueness of what it takes to help them begin their own journey to better health. She tries to fill that gap to welcome in all the “rejects” and instill worthiness into them that they are just as deserving is anyone else to lose weight and get healthy. Enjoy this fabulous interview! Follow Kiki on Instagram:​