The Livin' La Vida Low-carb Show With Jimmy Moore

1623: Holly White On How She Helps Her Clients Overcome Trauma And Heal



Flagstaff, Arizona based certified Fitness and Nutrition Specialist, Behavior Change Specialist, Holistic Wellness Practitioner, and Yoga Teacher Holly White is our special interview guest on Episode 1623 of The Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb Show. Guidance: This episode deals with real issues of drug and sexual abuse. Holly White Health is an Arizona based business celebrating passion for wellness and self exploration. She is a certified Fitness and Nutrition Specialist, Behavior Change Specialist, Holistic Wellness Practitioner, and Yoga Teacher. The word “holistic” is of utmost importance to her coaching practice. Personal development means elevating every aspect of our life through observation, assessment, and freedom of our past and current traumas and behaviors. Holly White Health uses time honored techniques to help you gain vitality, energy, and peace in your life. Listen in today to hear Jimmy and Holly talk about using holistic methods of dealing with trauma and exploring mental, as well as physical, wel