The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 484: 7 Mind-Blowing Ways To Extend Your Lifespan



You know that diet and exercise play a prominent role in your longevity, but what other factors contribute to long-term human health? If you want to live a long, healthy life, there are a lot of things in your control. Especially if we focus on healthspan (meaning the length of time you’re healthy) certain behaviors and practices are critical. On today’s show, we’re diving into seven surprising factors that have been scientifically proven to extend the human lifespan. You’ll hear the latest studies on human health and longevity, plus how to implement the most valuable tips into your lifestyle. No matter what your health goals are, you can optimize your habits now to help benefit your future self.  I hope this episode helps you learn about what makes us thrive and empowers you to enhance your current routines. Working on your long-term health both mentally and physically is a powerful act of self-care. So listen in, take good notes, and implement the tips that resonate with you!  In this episode you’ll discove