The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 479: How Body Weight Gets “Stuck” In Place & The Truth About Diabesity - With Guest Jonathan Bailor



Most people believe that weight loss is a simple science of calories in, calories out. However, our bodies have a deep, intrinsic intelligence that is much more complex than simple math. Health is a holistic culmination of many systems and factors, including gut health, hormones, emotions, and much more.  One of the pioneers in dispelling the calorie management myth is Jonathan Bailor. Jonathan is a New York Times Bestselling author, a self-proclaimed evangelist for experts, and a filmmaker. On this episode of The Model Health Show, Jonathan is sharing insights from his new movie, Better.  You’re going to learn about the hidden factors contributing to our diabesity epidemic and how we can start to unlock our body’s innate healing mechanisms. Jonathan is sharing how shame ties into health problems, how your body’s set point works, and the powerful link between emotional motivation and actionable change. So listen in and enjoy this interview with the incredible Jonathan Bailor!  In this episode you’ll discover: