The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 460: 10 Surprising Secrets To Live Longer & Improve Your Healthspan Today!



Have you ever considered what affects your lifespan? While we used to think that life expectancy was largely determined by genetics, we now know that only about 20% of longevity is from inherited traits. By and large, that means that we hold the power to influence our health and how long we live.  On this compilation episode, you’re going to hear from ten of the best experts on the topic of longevity. You’ll learn about the basic foundations of longevity like nutrition, exercise, and mental health. We’re also diving into scientific topics like how influencing your microbiome and telomeres can increase your lifespan.  Most importantly, we’re going to explore how to maximize your longevity so you can live a happier, healthier, and more fulfilled life. I hope this episode arms you with the information you need to create a strong body and mind so you can live the life you desire. Enjoy! In this episode you’ll discover: The difference between lifespan and healthspan.  What role our microbiome plays in our longevi