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TMHS 438: The Stress-Movement Connection & Finding Alignment Today - With Guest Aaron Alexander



If you’re like most people, you’ve probably spent more time than you would like to admit on your couch, in front of a screen, or both since the pandemic started. We’ve all been there, so it’s no surprise that a recent study published by BMC Public Health showed that levels of sedentary behavior have skyrocketed while levels of exercise have decreased over the last seven months. What comes as more of a shock is that these trends are showing a tendency to become permanently entrenched. Today’s guest, world-renowned movement coach and therapist Aaron Alexander, is here to offer a few tools to help all of us put down our phones and reconnect with our physiology. Instead of recommending sweeping lifestyle changes, Aaron makes an argument for subtle, steady shifts to your daily life—starting with spending 30 minutes on the floor every day.  Aaron explains that movement doesn’t need to be complicated—but we do need to move. Because when you’re stressed, and you don’t move, your system begins to deteriorate. 2020 mig