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TMHS 424: Breathe Again: From Miasmatic Disease To Modern Day Misconceptions



What do we actually know about virus transmissibility, the efficacy of face masks, and the implications of wearing a face covering? It turns out, it takes a lot of work to get to the bottom of what the data truly says. Articles circulating on social media are often misleading—omitting critical pieces of information to sway your opinion one way or another.  That’s why I decided to dig deep into the studies, examine the data with an open mind, and share my findings with you. In my new documentary, Mask Facts: The Science and History of Masks in Medicine, I looked through the science in order to get a clearer picture of how viruses and masks actually interact in the real world.  And on today’s show, you’re going to hear even more of the clinical evidence on mask efficacy. You’ll learn about how popular studies ignore real-world conditions and provide inadequate data, how to eliminate any self-serving biases when looking at the facts, and how to approach the COVID-19 pandemic with logic and reason. I hope this ep