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TMHS 398: Beautiful Teeth, Healthy Gums, & Fresh Breath: Tips For Natural Oral Care - With Guest Nadine Artemis



Standard practices in healthcare are constantly evolving as we learn more about our bodies. It’s shocking to think back on the history of common treatments. Through the 19th century, leeches were a typical medical treatment, and less than 100 years ago, lobotomies were standard practice.  When we know better, we can do better. Emerging studies shape the way we care for our bodies, but now more than ever, we’re realizing our bodies’ systems are much more interconnected than we originally thought. It’s easy to compartmentalize different body parts and systems, but humans are holistic beings. Everything from your nervous system to your cardiovascular system and even your teeth are connected. Today’s guest, Nadine Artemis, is one of the top experts in the world on holistic dental care. She’s here to share some of her best tips for cultivating healthy teeth and gums. You’ll learn about how cavities are created (and reversed!), how to choose your oral care products, and how to become the expert on your own dental c