The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 360: Use Your Life Conditions To Create Your Mission



A big part of my personal story involves overcoming—overcoming health struggles, overcoming my past, and most importantly, overcoming mental barriers and limiting beliefs. On some level, we all are guilty of subconsciously holding ourselves back. Whether you’re dealing with deeply ingrained beliefs from your upbringing, or simply just not feeling good enough, changing that story is within your power.  The truth is, if you want to create a better ending to your story, you have to take the initiative. No one will ever give you permission to chase after your goals or become your best self. It’s your responsibility to be the ultimate authority of your potential.  On this episode, you’re going to learn about making better decisions for yourself and being proactive in becoming the author of your story. You’ll hear details about my personal story that I’ve never shared before, including a condition I had to overcome early on, and the turning points that led to the creation of the Model Health Show. I hope this episo