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TMHS 350: The Secret Life Of Fat - With Guest Dr. Sylvia Tara



What comes to mind when you think about fat? If you’re like most people, you probably associate a negative connotation with that word. But like most things when it comes to health, it’s simply not that black and white. While it’s certainly important to have control over your body fat percentage, fat has been overly demonized in our society. Fat actually plays many critical roles within the body—it can affect the size of your brain, your hormone function, the efficacy of your immune system, and more. Because the function of fat is largely misunderstood, so many people fail when it comes to losing weight. In fact, there’s an entire industry dedicated to teas, pills, and diets that work against the body’s natural mechanisms. Today we’re going to dissect what fat actually is, and its complex role in the human body. And there’s no one better to approach this topic than Dr. Sylvia Tara. In her new book, The Secret Life of Fat, Dr. Tara explores the cutting-edge science behind fat as an organ, its role in the body,