The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 298: The Sleep & Fat Loss Masterclass



If you were to type in your search engine, “how to lose fat,” I bet you’d find a lot of articles emphasizing the importance of diet and exercise. Undoubtedly, those two components play a major role in changing your body composition. But there’s a huge piece of the puzzle that is missing from common knowledge—sleep. If you really dig into the science, you’ll find that your sleep quality plays a more important role in fat loss than diet and exercise! However, this information has not (yet!) made its way into our culture. Sleep isn’t part of the conversation, because it is seemingly less actionable than meal prepping or putting in work in the gym. In this episode, my mission is to help you understand the importance of sleep for your body, hormones, and overall fitness. I’ll share facts and strategies about regulating hormone levels, and how sleep influences the body’s basic mechanisms (including the brain and gut!) You’ll learn four actionable steps you can take to enhance your sleep quality, and in turn improve