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TMHS 285: How To Uncover Your Unique Gift & The Truth About Fear - With CJ Quinney



Have you ever let fear stop you from doing something that you really wanted to do? Fear of rejection? Fear of failure? Fear of what other people might think? Well, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Fear is often used as a tactic to control people. The media at large today, for example, utilizes fear to direct people’s beliefs and opinions about the world. Many of them sensationalized, and blatantly not true on many levels. But we accept them anyway, because fear is a very primal thing we’re driven by. Fear can be used to control others, but the most unsuspecting and pervasive use of fear, is the fear we use to control ourselves. Fear is a valuable evolutionary feedback system that helps to keep us safe. The problem with fear, however, is that it has not evolved with the times. Today we have literally millions more data inputs to be fearful about than our ancestors had. The sheer amount of things we have to be worried about can be overwhelming. Not to mention when the big choices come up in life (what career to c