The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 263: How To Go From Average To Phenomenal - With Eric Thomas



Success leaves clues. We have a remarkable opportunity today to learn from people who’ve turned their wildest dreams into reality. At no other time in history have these superheroes been so accessible. Videos, podcasts, social media interaction, live events; there’s so many ways to learn from the very best people in the world. This episode is another opportunity to take advantage of that! Eric “ET” Thomas is largely considered to be the top motivational speaker in the world. He’s been able to impact the lives of millions, and create a remarkable life in the process. Because of his level of impact, ET can command 6-figures for him to do a presentation. But what many people don’t see is that when he flies into a city to speak, he’ll often set up several other free speaking events… at middle schools, detention centers, and for at-risk youth. You see, ET was once a homeless at-risk youth himself. He’s learned a lot along his journey. And he can speak to anyone, at any level, and add value to their life because of