The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 252: Turn Your Struggle Into Strength & Ignite Your Transformation - With Shaun T.



Every second of everyday, our minds and bodies are transforming. Transformation is a part of life. But all transformations are not created equal. Personally, I’ve transformed from a thriving athlete, into a couch potato with extra cheese and bacon bits. I’ve transformed from being incredibly self-centered, to dedicating my life each day to serving others. I’ve transformed many times in my life (as you have too!). Some for the good, and some for the not-so-good. But, the point is that transformation is a given. It’s always happening whether you realize it or not. And the key is to get out in front of that transformation to guide your mind, body, and spirit where you want it to be. How we transform, and what we transform into, is up to us more than we may realize. Part of the challenge with transforming our lives for the better is due to the struggles that we carry from our past. The things we’ve been through may carry a tone of, “You’ll never be able to accomplish it.” “Who do you think you are?” “No one you k