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TMHS 239: Everyday Enlightenment And Getting Stronger Through Change - With Dan Millman



How often do you read good fiction books? There was a stretch of maybe half a decade where I, although an avid reader, avoided reading any fiction because I believed that it was not productive. I read countless nutrition books, books on fitness, books on personal development, and more. They all contained a lot of facts and theories (which were great) but I was missing on something really special for my life. Luckily, a few years back after the poking and prodding of several people, I picked up a book called The Alchemist and it shined a bright light in a part of my mind that I had been neglecting. Little did I know that there was significant research touting the benefits of reading fiction. You can see marked changes in the brain, bolstered creativity, and so much more than the average person isn’t informed about. My rekindled love of fiction eventually led me to one of my favorite authors, Dan Millman, which is why I’m so excited to share this with you today! One of Dan’s books, that I read several years ago