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TMHS 235: Epigenetics And The Biology Of Belief - With Dr. Bruce Lipton



I remember watching a lecture from Dr. Bruce Lipton along with my wife and mother-in-law many years ago. After it was over, I saw the tears rolling down my mother-in-laws face as she was overwhelmed with emotion. You see, she had been helping people from all walks of life to better themselves mind, body, and spirit for decades. I’d never meet anyone who was as loved and admired as her before, and I was always intrigued by the love that came from everyone’s mouth when they spoke of her. She endured so much that most people never saw… and all that she went through enabled her to give at a level most people never experienced until they meet her. And, during that lecture from Dr. Lipton, she realized that what she believed all along was true… If you can help people to heal their minds and beliefs, you can help them to heal their bodies. The solution was always inside. That’s how she was able to help herself, and that’s how she was able to help so many others (myself included). Dr. Lipton has a tendency to transfo