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TMHS 230: Body Checks, Financial Fitness, And How To Be Age-Proof - With Dr. Michael Roizen



You’ve probably heard the statement before that “health is wealth”. But what does that mean exactly? I believe that it’s a statement summarizing the fact that when you have your health, you have possibility. With good health you have the clarity, the vitality, and the energy to submit your will in life, and do the things that make your life worth living. Without good health, everything in life can seem exponentially harder. And I know this from firsthand experience. It’s so much harder to have clarity and direction, there’s a feeling that something is holding you back, and mustering up the energy to do even small things is an enormous task. Health is wealth because it moves you more gracefully out of limited thinking. As our health improves, so does our energy and optimism. You start to feel richer (or, at least, more capable of becoming richer!). Now, what if we flipped the statement around? Wealth is health? Would it still hold up as a fact? Well, our guest today will not only show exactly how our financial