The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 189: Why All Movement Matters - With Katy Bowman



Everything in the universe moves. Even the most laidback tree is made of atoms that are vibrating and spinning faster than your eyes can see. They move within and without the earth. They help to shape their environment, and, amazingly, their environment helps to shape them. It might surprise you to know just how much like a tree you really are. You are, indeed, a mover and shaker within your environment, but your environment helps to move you too. As biomechanist Katy Bowman has shared with us in past conversations, your environment actually shapes your body. That body that you have (take a look down at all of that glory for a second) has been shaped by your actions and environmental stimuli. Your body is best equipped to handle the consistent loads that are placed on it. Whether it from the subtle forces of your office chair or the more obvious forces of a barbell on your shoulders. Your body is your receipt from the loads you’ve experienced. For better or for worse, this is how the system works. Today we’re