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TMHS 178: Misdiagnosed Health Issues And The Thyroid Connection - With Dr. Amy Myers



Your thyroid is the master regulator of your metabolism. Any endeavors for healthy weight loss or weight gain are all governed by your hyper-intelligent thyroid gland. Today, more than ever, there’s a war being waged against your thyroid gland. Environmental pollution, nutrient deficiencies, and unchecked stress are all putting a dire burden on this critical gland. Millions of people are being stricken with thyroid issues, and conventional medicine doesn’t have a solution for it. The standard approach is to counterattack the thyroid gland using dangerous medications, removing your thyroid gland, or even destroying your thyroid gland with radiation as a method of “treatment”. If the thyroid is already being attacked by our abnormal conditions today, what sense does it make to attack the thyroid even more? Why wouldn’t we support the thyroid and help it to perform normally? Why wouldn’t we focus on removing the underlying cause of the thyroid condition so that there’s nothing to battle in the first place? That’