The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 171: GI Testing, Diversity In Our Food, And Balance Protocol - With Dr. Anthony G. Beck



Just like any journey in life, the journey to health is a journey of discovery. Each obstacle we face is an opportunity to learn something new about ourselves. Whether it’s healing a disease or finding a way to lose that last tiny bit of body fat, changing our health starts with changing how we think. Experimentation is our foundational tool. You have to experiment and test things out to truly find out what works for yourself. We are all unique, and what works for your best friend may only set you back on your journey even further. Sure, there are universal principles of health that can take you a very long way. Eat real food, get plenty of movement and exercise, get adequate amounts of sunlight, drink lots of clean water, cultivate healthy relationships, and do meaningful work that fulfills you. These are a few of the basic tenets for living a healthy, happy, successful life. But what about when you want to take your health to another level? Or what about when you get hit with a real challenging situation (d