The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 170: 5 Scientifically Proven Ways To Be More Attractive



In a world of continuous posts and pictures, our consumption and judgement of attraction is at an all-time high. But, what can get lost in all of that is, well, ourselves. What does it mean to be attractive? How does attraction work? And why does it matter really anyway? Well, funny enough, attraction is actually tied to our lifeline. We all want to be attractive, and we all want to feel significant. These are basic human needs that help drive along our species. Not solely for the purpose of picking a mate, but being a part of a tribe, and (evolutionarily speaking) having a better chance at survival. On today’s show we’re talking in-depth about why being attractive matters and, more importantly, simple things that ANYONE can do to become more attractive almost instantly. Sounds like a pretty big promise? Well, I’ve got the science to back it up. And this isn’t about a superficial, stereotypical, smoke-and-mirrors type of attraction that many of us have bought into today. This is real attraction. This is how t