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TMHS 169: Don’t Just Sit There – With Katy Bowman



I remember watching the movie Wall-E with my son Braden. It is an animated movie portraying the not-too-distant future where humans have siphoned the world of its natural resources and moved to space, leaving Earth behind as a glorified junk yard. Talk about family fun! Even though the context was a bit grim, the movie still highlighted the power of love, devotion, companionship, and doing the right thing. It was a good family movie that pulls on your heartstrings. But what most interested me about the movie was the depiction of the devolution of human beings who have become so engrossed in technology that they hardly ever move anymore. Every person in the film barely had to lift a finger as all of their needs were met at the touch of a button. It might sound cool to live in a world like that, but what are the consequences? Since they lost their desire and need to move, all of their muscles were atrophied. And to say everyone was overweight would be a monumental understatement. Now, is this reality that far f