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TMHS 162: 5 Things That Hold Us Back From Happiness



The Declaration of Independence states that we all have the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” by the very nature of us being alive. But, how often do we call upon those rights and use them? Many of us have life, but we are not truly living. Many of us have liberty, but never truly utilize our freedom to have, be, and do the things we’re capable of. And many of us have the capacity to live a happy, fulfilled life, but unknowingly forfeit our happiness and live lives of quiet desperation. Today’s show is all about breaking bonds from the things that hold us back from real happiness and fulfillment. Granted, happiness is relative to each person and each situation. But, even a few higher percentage points of happiness in your life will lead to better health, better relationships, and more success in your chosen career, according to the research. Get ready for some powerful revelations and action items to put in place to see some immediate upgrades in happiness and fulfillment. You deserve to