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TMHS 158: 13 Rules Of Health That I Live By



Paulo Coelho said, “Discipline & freedom are not mutually exclusive but mutually dependent because otherwise, you’d sink into chaos.” Strangely enough, rules and discipline actually give us far more freedom. The structure we create in our lives is the invisible guiding force that creates the opportunity to do more with the time we are given. Without structure, without rules, you are unknowingly at the mercy of Captain Random. You see, Captain Random is a super villain. Nothing pleases him more than to see you toil away wasting your time and not seeing the results you want in your life. When a seemingly random thing comes up and throws you off track, he’s twisting his evil handlebar mustache laughing joyfully. For you, the experience is falling off the wagon, taking a loss, or even giving up on your goals altogether. But the secret, unstoppable weapon against Captain Random is the power of your rules. When you have personal rules in place that guide your decisions, you’ve already got an automated response